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Avoid the Public Disclosure

Ward Law Office does not charge for initial consultations.  If you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us via the below form. Our office will then be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Avoid the Public Disclosure

Hello again. In our previous video, we discussed how the first step of the patent process is to properly document your invention.

In this video we discuss the second step of the patent process which is to avoid the public disclosure.

Inventors are Proud People

And rightfully so.

They’ve created and brought something new to the world. The most natural tendency is to run down the street shouting: “Eureka! Look what I’ve made!”

Or, in the modern context, plaster the invention all over your social media and on the internet.

I’m here to tell you: avoid that urge.

In the United States, if you tell a third party about the invention, offer to sell it or actually sell the invention you have started a one year clock within which you must file a patent application or be barred from obtaining a patent.

Many other countries have absolute novelty requirements which means these types of activities can destroy any opportunity to seek foreign patent protections.

In view of this public disclosure or on sale bar, you would be wise to avoid telling third parties about the invention including: business advisors, prototypers, manufacturers without:

  • Filing a patent application to become “patent pending”
  • or, having a third party sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

Indeed, this is why NDAs are most important early in development.

So to Recap

The first two steps before filing a patent application are to:

  1. Properly document your invention
  2. Avoid the public disclosure

In our next video we will be discussing the third step before filing a patent application.

The professionals at Ward Law Office are available to answer any questions you might have about patent, trademarks or copyrights.


120 1/2 S. Washington Street
Suite 207
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
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Ward Law Office LLC does not charge for initial consultations. If you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us via the below form. Our office will then be in touch with you as soon as possible.


Jacob M. WardJacob “Jake” M. Ward is a registered patent attorney admitted to practice in the State of Michigan, before the United States District Court of the Eastern District of Michigan, and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. He is also registered as a patent agent, non-resident, in Canada.

Mr. Ward received a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Dayton and a Juris Doctor degree, cum laude, from the University of Toledo, College of Law. At the University of Toledo, Mr. Ward was also awarded a certificate of concentration in Intellectual Property Law.

Mr. Ward is also the founding author of the Anticipate This!™ | Patent and Trademark Law Blog, which provides light commentary on the practice of patent law, trademark law, and science & technology.

Invention Disclosure Form

Ward Law Office LLC invites you to use our proprietary Invention Disclosure system to submit invention details to our law firm.  There is no cost to use this system.  All submissions through the system are secure and treated as confidential.  If you would like to use the Invention Disclosure system, please request a password by sending us a message via the Contact form, or by calling our Ohio office at 419-408-5500 or our Michigan office at 248-579-2197.

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